
Chief Minister Mr. Baghel, launched an unemployment allowance scheme.

Four youths received approval orders from the Chief Minister

Youth will receive a monthly unemployment allowance of Rs 2500

Unemployment allowance will be paid beginning April 1 if you register on any day during the month of April

Youth in Chhattisgarh received a significant boost by Unemployment Allowance Scheme

Raipur, April 01, 2023/

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel today launched the Unemployment Allowance Scheme in the state from his residence office in Raipur. On this occasion, the Chief Minister also issued approval orders for unemployment allowance to four eligible unemployed youths. On this occasion, the Chief Minister stated that he announced the Berojgari Bhatta Yojana in the Vidhansabha session in the interest of the youth and that it is being implemented today, on the first day of the financial year, so that eligible youth can benefit from it. Chief Minister Mr. Baghel said that the registration process for unemployment allowance has started from April 1.

Chief Minister also stated that if you register for unemployment benefits on any day in April and are eligible, you will receive it from April 1.

According to the Chief Minister, a plan has also been formed to provide employment-oriented training to the youth so that they do not remain unemployed indefinitely. So that the youth who are receiving unemployment allowance can also find work in the future after receiving training.

On this occasion, Agriculture Minister Shri Ravindra Choubey said that the Chief Minister has started an important and ambitious scheme for the unemployed youth, which will give strength to the unemployed youth of the state to improve their future.

On this occasion, Additional Chief Secretary Mr. Subrata Sahu and departmental secretaries were also present.

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